About Us
In 2010, Oktanta was founded as an enterprise developing precision measuring instruments and equipment for non-contact non-destructive testing. The cooperation of Oktanta’s experts and researchers from the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University ensured a scientific breakthrough in the technology of the non-contact excitation of ultrasonic waves using ElectroMagnetic Acoustic Transformation (EMAT). This allowed Oktanta to obtain one of the best implementations of the EMAT technology in the world. This technology enables thickness measurement and flaw detection in tested metal objects (inspection of weld joints, search for cracks, pits, delaminations, separations of insulation and much more) with no couplant and preliminary surface cleaning. The technology is implemented in our EM2210, EM4000, EM1401 and EM1401 UT thickness gauges.

In 2015, to implement projects for the development and maintenance of robotic diagnostic systems in oil and gas facilities for the purpose of improving their safety, a special enterprise, Scientific and Production Association Oktanta, was founded.

The company participates in the Skolkovo Innovation Center project for the incorporation and support of enterprises for the purpose of scientific research, implementation of technical developments and marketing of their results subject to Federal Law No. 244.

For now, we have significantly expanded the number of non-destructive testing methods we use. We focus mainly on non-contact NDT methods, such as EMAT, eddy current method, magnetic test method, laser profilometry.
Also, since 2018 we have been manufacturing drill pipe inspection equipment and providing internal pipe diagnostic services where the HeatScan robotic system is used.
Oktanta at exhibitions:

«NDT Russia» 2021, Moscow, Crocus Expo

«NDT Russia» 2021, Moscow, Crocus Expo

Innovation Forum 2016, St. Petersburg

Innovation Forum 2016, St. Petersburg

«NDT Russia» 2016, Moscow

«NDT Russia» 2016, Moscow

Innovation Forum 2015, St. Petersburg

«Defectoscopy» 2015, St. Petersburg

«NDT Russia» 2014, Moscow

«NDT Russia» 2014, Moscow
We are always prepared for cooperation and we are looking for partnerships in the manufacturing and commissioning of equipment that improves the safety of industrial facilities in the oil and gas industry.